Special Report

Talent B.S.

Game On or Game Over?

More organizations are adopting gamification as a tool to assess talent, but experts wonder whether the fad has the legs to level up. By Reece Akhtar, Ph.D., Dave Winsborough & Uri Ort No job in the world provides nonstop intellectual stimulation. Even Elon Musk would tell you that rerouting the […]


Bad Bosses Suck, But a Boring Office Is Worse

Don’t underestimate the profound power of simple gestures. By Ashley Keating There’s an old saying: “Employees don’t leave organizations—they leave managers.”  But a bad boss alone doesn’t make a worker fly the coop: A lack of connection with coworkers can also lead to employee turnover, finds new research in the Journal […]


Find, Grow, and Retain Top Talent: A 5-Step Plan

Assembling a roster of all-stars isn’t easy—and keeping your squad together is even harder. Steal these five strategies and your team will be a perennial contender. By Robert Hogan, Ph.D., and Joan Jacobsen Succeeding in business is a lot like succeeding in sports: The team with the most talent and […]

Talent B.S.

The Power Poser

Some psychologists have made waves in leadership circles for saying that striking a specific pose can make you feel more powerful. The only problem? Not a lick of the research checks out. By Marcus Crede Lean back, kick your feet up onto your desk, and put your hands behind your […]


The Great Feedback Debate: Register Today!

Does feedback do more harm than good? Or more good than harm? Let’s debate! Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall’s recent book Nine Lies About Work argues that they have “unimpeachable data” that feedback is unhelpful and “toxic.” Their claims have generated strong reactions among those who believe in the positive […]

Talent B.S.

Where Are the Agile Leaders?

In a constantly evolving corporate world, we need agile learners in leadership positions more than ever. Problem is, we have no idea how to identify them. By W. Warner Burke, Ph.D.  Agility is having a moment. There are agile individuals, who are flexible and quick to try new behaviors. There […]

Talent B.S.

Work-Life Balance Is Not Possible

But successful work-life integration is—if you dodge these longstanding stumbling blocks. By Monique Valcour, Ph.D. The struggle—performing well at work, maintaining health and relationships at home—is real. The go-to solution—do more and do it faster—is real too. Real bad.  Changing the way we work isn’t feasible or practical. We may […]